A software architect, chief engineer, and security champion with more than 15 years of experience in designing, writing and maintaining C++ code for fun and living. C++ consultant, trainer, conference speaker, and evangelist focused on Modern C++. His main areas of interest and expertise are code performance, low latency, stability, and security.
Mateusz worked at Intel for 13 years, and now he leads C++ Community at EPAM Systems. He is also a founder of Train IT that provides dedicated C++ trainings and consultant services to corporations.
Mateusz is a contributor and an active voting member of the ISO C++ Committee (WG21) where, together with the best C++ experts in the world, he shapes the future of the C++ language. He is also a co-chair of WG21 Study Group 14 (SG14) responsible for driving performance and low latency subjects in the Committee. In 2013 Mateusz won “Bench Games 2013” – worldwide competition in the C++ language knowledge.
That talk will present the C++ world seen from Low Latency domain. The world where no dynamic allocations are welcomed, C++ exceptions are nearly not used, where STL containers are …
This talk will present the current state of my work on designing and implementing Physical Units Library for C++. I will present all the challenges, design tradeoffs, and potential solutions …
Date: 17.12.2020 (transfer from 27.11) Time: 10:00 - 19:00 (GMT+3) Place: Zoom Cost: 300 BYN (till 30.11.2020) 400 BYN (till 16.12.2020) Duration: 8h C++ Concepts is one of the most …
C++ is no longer C with classes and it never was only an Object Oriented language. C++ is a general-purpose programming language. It has imperative, object-oriented and generic programming features, …