Ph.D, 10 years of academic experience: lectures about programming for students, including Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University. 10+ years in software development (mainly in C++ and C#), focusing on data backup and restore.
Vadim is an author of books "Algorithmic Languages and Basics of Programming: C language" and "Basics of Object-Oriented Programming in C++", as well as 29 publications in theory ofprogramming; translated into Russian "Principles of Object-oriented Software Development" by Anton Eliens and "Unifying Theories of Programming" by C.A.R.Hoare and He Jifeng.
Now: technical lead developer at SolarWinds, develops a project in network security area.
Interested in programming: C++ and functional languages (especially Haskell).
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Practical application development can lead to a task that appear to be general enough to extract an abstraction that is potentially useful for multiple applications. Bringing the solution to the …
Modern C++ is increasingly influenced by concepts and approaches taken from functional programming paradigm. This talk presents an example of a typically functional solution applicable to a pretty wide class …
C++ language, having undergone a long evolution, has acquired a number of features specific to the functional paradigm: functions became first-class objects that can be operated on, and template instrumentation …
Along the whole history of programming, sequential elementwise processing of various kinds of collections has been and still is one of the most common practical tasks. Internal representation of the …
- Expression categories: how not to get lost in (g?l|p?r|x)value; - Move semantics and its alternatives (RVO, CoW); - Function specializations for short-living objects; - Compile-time computations with constexpr; - …
Язык C++ меняется на глазах. Для часто возникающих на практике задач, ранее требовавших от программиста особых ухищрений, вводятся ясные и лаконичные средства либо в сам язык, либо стандартную библиотеку, или …
- Template parameter and auto type inference. - Auto refenerces and passing arguments into a function. - Expression categories: (gl|r|l|x|pr)-values. - When are constructors get called and when do not. …