Develops, for more than 10 years, software for spaceship component test bench facilities. Works with C++ (for low-level tasks and interactions with hardware) and C#/.NET (for client side). In his spare time, enjoys embedded programming for microcontrollers.
Memory in computer is not only gigabytes of RAM but a very fancy abstraction at the same time. In this talk we will look at how this abstraction can be …
The talk deals with code generation when compiling various constructs of the language, from simple to complex, on different platforms: from widely known as x86/x64 to less familiar like ARM …
В докладе будет рассмотрена генерация кода при компиляции различных языковых конструкций, как простых, так и сложных, на различных платформах, как общераспространённых x86/x64, так и тех, которым уделяется меньше внимания: ARM, …