A representative of Russian working group (RG 21 RF) at C++ Standardization Committee. Author of several accepted proposals to the C++ standard.
Author of the following Boost libraries: TypeIndex, DLL, Stacktrace; maintainer of Any, Conversion, LexicalCast, Variant.
Author of "Boost C++ Application Development Cookbook" and "Boost C++ Application Development Cookbook, Second Edition" books.
When building large frameworks we often face with typical tasks solutions to which are well-known. However these solutions are not always effective enough and we can do better. In this …
Every trendy programming language goes out of its way to claim that it's faster, more reliable and in general better than C++ in all possible ways. Let's separate facts from …
A new keyword constexpr was introduced in C++11. It looks really nondescript and from the first glance it looks like it dosn't have much sense... Why this keyword is useful, …
Стандартная библиотека C++ крайне гибка и позволяет решать множество задач. Однако мало кто знает о некоторых её возможностях, из-за чего порой вместо написания нескольких строчек кода люди неделями пишут своё …
Недавно было открыто несколько новых метапрограмных техник в C++, позволяющих реализовать рефлексию, работающую "из коробки". В докладе я расскажу об этих техниках, покажу примеры использования и расскажу об их применимости …
In any large codebase you can always find pieces of code which are not totally understandable. Mostly, such kind of code is implemented when the application needs some performance boost... …