Rainer Grimm has worked as a software architect, team lead and instructor for about 20 years. In his spare time he likes to write articles about C++, Python and Haskell, but he also likes to speak at conferences. He publishes very often on his blog "Modern C++". Now he is a trainer giving seminars to modern C++ and Python. His books "C++11 für Programmierer ", "C++" and "C++ - Standardbiliothek" , and the "The C++ Standard Library" were published by O'Reilly and Leanpub.
I want to start with a question: Why do we need Guidelines such as the C++ Core Guidelines for Modern C++? My answer consists of three observations: C++ is complicated …
What do threads, atomic variables, mutexes, and conditional variables have in common? They are the basic building blocks of any concurrent application in C++, which are even for the experienced …
Course Description This class gives you a detailed insight into the multithreading facilities of C++11, C++14, and the parallel algorithms which we got with C++17. Additionally, we will have a …
Abstract This class gives you a detailed insight into the multithreading facilities of C++11 and C++14, and the parallel algorithms which we got with C++17. If possible, we will have …