C++20: The small things [English]

  • Поток 1
  • Очно
  • 10:10
  • EN

C++20 comes with some big new language features: modules, coroutines, concepts, spaceship, and many new libraries. But apart from all those, C++20 also offers many small language improvements, making C++ more powerful and expressive, but also safer and more consistent.
This talk is an overview over all those smaller additions to the core language that will make your life easier. We will discuss much-needed improvements to existing facilities such as lambdas, CTAD, structured bindings, and initialisation, as well as brand-new language utilities that you may not yet have heard about!


Тимур Думлер

Independent developer, London, UK

Timur Doumler is a C++ developer specialising in audio and music technology, active member of the ISO C++ committee, and part of the includecpp.org team. He is passionate about building …

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